Today at physical exam rounds we discussed splenomegaly.
Some important points:
3 Percussion methods (Castell's is easiest and best):
1. Castell's: Pt supine, percuss lowest ICS L ant axillary line and full insp and exp. +ve is any dullness.
2. Traube's: Pt supine, L arm out of the way. Space is bordered by 6th rib superiorly, midax line laterally, L costal margin inferiorly. Pt breathes normally, and space is percussed. +ve is any dullness
3. Nixon's: Pt in RLD position. Percuss in midpoint of L costal margin (nipple line), and move perpendicular to margin. +ve is dullness over 8cm above costal margin.
3 Palpation methods:
1) Patient supine: Start in RLQ and move up to LUQ; Pt inspires, and feel for spleen tip meeting examiner's stationary hand. If not felt, move 2cm towards LUQ on expiration.
2) Patient in R decubitus: Examiner's L hand is across patient's thorax, lifting the L ribcage anteriorly and medially. R hand is just below costal margin. Pt takes deep breath, and feel for spleen tip. If not felt, move 2cm towards umbilicus to ensure massive spleen not missed.
3) Hooking: Pt lies flat with fist under CVA on L. Examiner is on pt's L side, facing pt's feet, with fingers of both hands under costal margin. Pt takes deep breath, and feel for tip.
In general, percussion is sensitive, and palpation is specific.
When the pre-test probability is low, physical exam cannot reliably rule out or rule in splenomegaly.
Examination is most useful in ruling in splenomegaly when the pre-test probability is high (i.e. if percussion and palpation are both positive, the diagnosis is established).
In high pre-test probability, no method is sensitive enough to exclude; need imaging.
Most sensitive signs (i.e. make it unlikely if not present):
1) Castell's sign (~80% range)
2) Traube's space palpation (~60%)
3) Nixon's method (~60%)
All palpation methods are insensitive (~50-60%)
Most specific signs (i.e. make it likely if present)
Any of the above palpation methods; (~90% specific)
Spleen vs. kidney:
1) upper pole never palpable in spleen
2) respiratory movement with spleen, not kidney
3) notch
4) kidney may be balotable
5) spleen expands towards RLQ; kidney expands vertically
Bruit: heard in splenic hemangioma
Rub: heard in splenic infarct
Click here for JAMA Rational Clinical Exam on splenomegaly (need log-in; ask me how to obtain)
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