Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Steven Wasnt In Morning Report....

Young person presents with platelets of 4......

Differential Diagnosis of Thrombocytopenia

Decreased Platelet Production
•Marrow: fibrosis, aplasia/dysplasia (Fanconi’s), infiltration
•Cytotoxic agents / radiation
•Viral: HIV, EBV, parvo, mumps
•Other infection: infectious infiltration of marrow
•Vitamin deficiency: B12, folate

Accelerated Destruction:
•microangiopathic disease: TTP/HUS, DIC, HELLP, PET, malignant hypertension
•Prosthetic heart valves
•Other mechanical: IABP, hemangiomas
•Infection: malaria
•autoimmune – ITP
•allo immune – post transfusion purpura
•secondary: SLE, APLA, CLL drugs (heparin, quinidine, etc), HIV

Distribution / Dilutional
•Splenic sequestration


Idiopathic Immune Thrombocytopenia Purpura

The diagonsis of ITP is a diagnosis of exclusion after consideration / work up of other enities listed in the differential. A bone marrow biopsy may or may not be part of your work up but is not considered necessary in all patients. Criteria which should prompt bone marrow biopsy include:
•Age >60
•Other cytopenias
•Poor response to treatment
•Significant splenomegaly

First line treatment of acute ITP is steroids. Please see NEJM review for more details.

More recently another treatment strategy has been proposed with high dose, short course steroids (dexamethasone). Check out this article in Blood which is the most recent of 2 trials that test this strategy: Blood. 2007 Feb 15;109(4):1401-7. Epub 2006 Oct 31.

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