This morning we discussed a case of rapidly progressive dementia, likely secondary to neurosyphilis.
Neurosyphilis can occur early or late. It may occur with primary, secondary, or tertiary syphilis. Early neurophysilis can present as stroke, meningitis, meningoencephalitis, cranial nerve deficits, hearing loss (otosyphilis), or visual loss (oculosyphilis). Late neurosyphilis occur decades later and can presents as general paresis, dementia with psychosis (rapidly progressive), or tabes dorsalis (posterior column involvement, bowel, bladder dysfunction).
Syphilis Screen:
CMIA-Chemiluminescent Microparticle Immunoassay (serum)- T.pallidum (IgG/IgM)
VDRL-Venereal Disease Research Laboratory-no longer done at UHN labs.
RPR - Rapid Plasma Reagin Test. Detects total IgG/IgM antibody to syphilis (T. pallidum). Automatically done by lab if CMIA is reactive.
CMIA and PRP are called “syphilis screen” in EPR
Confirmatory Tests:
TP.PA- Treponema pallidum particle agglutination.
FTA.ABS- fluorescent treponemal antibody. Positive confirmatory test(s) are often reactive for life
CSF examination (not done at UHN lab, sent to PHL):
• CSF VDRL is specific but not sensitive
• CSF FTA-ABS is sensitive but not specific
Here is a review of syphilis.
here for the Ontario Public Health Lab algorithm for interpreting the MANY permutations and combinations of lab results
* A U.S. Army Educational Commission Poster about Neurosypilis, 1918.