Sunday, November 15, 2009

Febrile neutropenia

Febrile neutropenia is a common condition that requires an organized approach and awareness of how this situation differs from fever in the immunocompetent patient.

Textbook definition of neutropenia as absolute neutrophil count (ANC) below 1000. A more practical definition is below 500, because this is when risk of serious infection increases significantly. At below 100, there is a high risk of invasive infections and spontaneous bacteremias.

Single oral temperature of 38.3 or higher, or multiple readings of 38.0 or higher.

Clinical consequences of febrile neutropenia are dictated by
1) severity of neutropenia
2) duration

A source of infection is found in only 30-40% of cases. When a source is found, the most common sites are
1) Skin (mucosal or perianal)
2) Bacteremia (line-related or spontaneous)
3) Pulmonary

This leads to the following usual culprit organisms:
GP- (staph aureus, coag-neg staph, strep viridans, enterococcus). NB- GPs more likely if pt was on FN prophyaxis (usu. fluoroquinolone). These usually originate from skin/lines
GN- aerobes (e. coli, enterobacter, pseudomonas, klebsiella). These usually originate from GI/hospital env't
NB- FN pts are not at higher risk for anaerobes, encapsulated, or intracellular organsms.

Candida- albicans, others; aspergillus- usu with prolonged neutropenia; mucor

Not at particular risk because intracellular; HSV may reactivate, but this is more from "stress" than neutropenia.

Tx: 1) cover common organisms 2) modify regimen for suspected source or specific deficits (eg. add vanco if suspected line infection; add anaerobic coverage if suspect c. diff, typhlitis, sinusitis or periodontal, perirectal; add azith/levo if pneumonia, acyclovir, nystatin or fluco for mucositis)

Possible initial regimens: Pip-tazo alone; cefazolin + tobra; carbapenems, others...

Some guidelines on duration of therapy
If patient is afebrile in 3-5d, treat for usual duration for source identified.
If ANC is over 500 for 48h, consider stopping Abx if source not found
If patient remains febrile and neutropenic for over 3-5d, consider broadening antibiotics (if applicable) and / or adding antifungal empirically

Low risk FN
If all of these conditions are met, may treat orally at home with close followup:
1) hemodynamically stable
2) normal CXR
3) no medical comorbidities
4) normal mental status
5) expected duration of neutropenia less than 10d.
6) access to medical care 24/7
7) not weekend
8) no focus of infection identified

Oral regimen: Amoxicillin-clavulin and ciprofloxacin PO

Click here for IDSA febrile neutropenia guidelines
Click here for evidence behind low risk outpatient treatment described above

1 comment :

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